
June 2024

Congratulation to Tamari!

Our CMDB student Tamari Askurava graduated on June 3rd at Hannover Medical School with her PhD thesis  „Influence of titin variants on myocardial function in a 3D disease model of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy using human induced pluripotent stem cells”


April 2024

Coordinated by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ulrich Martin, Hannover Medical School (MHH), Prof. Dr. Nona Janikashvili (Tbilisi State Medical University) and Prof. Dr. Marina Pochkhua, our proposal has succeeded in obtaining funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
With funding from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the DAAD supports university partnerships in Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)-relevant subject areas that contribute to sustainable development in the sense of the SDGs and to the development of efficient and cosmopolitan universities in the partner countries and in Germany. The funding is used to structurally strengthen teaching, research and university management at the partner institutions.
The currently approved project serves to prepare Georgian students of medicine and biosciences for a research career in the life sciences and medicine. This project will be funded from 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027 with almost half a million euros. The project coordinated by Prof. Martin was ranked second out of a total of 89 project proposals submitted. The DAAD-approved project represents a successful continuation of Prof. Martin's decades-long commitment to Georgia.
As part of the funding, the structures for training students at the partner universities will be improved through a targeted study and qualification program that reflects the current state of the art in science. Seven particularly qualified students will be given the opportunity to take part in the renowned Lower Saxony International Summer Academy in Immunology (LISA) at the MHH. The overall aim of the funded measures is to prepare the students to successfully apply for international doctoral programs, in particular Hannover Biomedical Research School (HBRS) PhD programs at MHH, to successfully complete them and to subsequently obtain better opportunities for employment in Georgia.

March 2023

Students are invited to apply for the new professional training program "Laboratory Medical Technical Assistant" at Sokhumi State University. Details regarding the program and application deadline can be found under: Deadline for application is April 13th.

January 2023

We are proud to announce that Khatuna Lobjanidze represents the first CMDB student who successfully defended her PhD thesis on January 27th and obtained her PhD in Germany at Hannover Medical School!

July 2022

Ana Burduli conducted and finished her master thesis at the Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs in Hannover, Germany. She obtained her Master degree from the Natural Sciences and Medicine Master Program Molecular Biosciences at Ilia State University in July 2022.



On August 20th , 2021 SSU was granted the right by National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement to implement the short-term vocational training program "laboratory medical technical assistant". The program was elaborated by Sukhumi State University  with it's 3 partner organizations: National Center for Disease Control and Public Health(NCDC), Richard Lugar Center for Public Health Research, EVEX hospitals, Aversi clinic.

June 2019

Two CMDB students successfully applied and were selected for the PhD program Regenerative Sciences in Hannover. Tamari Askurava will start her PhD project in October 2019 at the Leibniz Research Laboratories for Biotechnology and Artificial Organs, Khatuna Lobjanidze will start her PhD project in MHH's department for Pediatric Pneumology and Neonatology.


June 2019

Three CMDB students, Ana Burduli, Tinatin Gigashvili and Ana Mikaberidze were accepted for the LISA Summer Academy in Hannover.

June 2018

Three CMDB students, Khatuna Lobjanidze, Tamari Askurava, Irakli Tskhakaia were accepted for the LISA Summer Academy in Hannover.

June 2017

One CMDB student,  Rusudan Tskitishvili, was accepted for the LISA Summer Academy in Hannover.


In a ceremony on April 13th 2017, Ulrich Martin, Professor at Hannover Medical School, Germany, and member of the international advisory board of  the Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Biotechnology, was granted for this continuous strong support of science and education with an honorary doctorate degree by Sokhumi State University.


According to the order №03/04/03 of the President of Georgia, the Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Biotechnology (CMDB) at Sokhumi State University was awarded  with 25.600 Lari from the reserve fund to support the ongoing project "Training Course - Molecular Methods in Biomedical Sciences”.


On October 27th Prof. M. Pochkhua and Prof. U. Martin were invited as experts for a discussion about molecular diagnostics of cancer at the Dgis show, IMEDI TV.



Inauguration of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics & Biotechnology at Sokhumi State University and opening of the Student Training Course “Molecular Methods in Biomedical Sciences”.


On October 25th the Center for Molecular Diagnostics & Biotechnology (CMDB) at Sokhumi State University (SSU) was inaugurated in a festive atmosphere in freshly renovated lecture hall at Sokhumi State university. Prof. Johnny Apakidze, Rector of SSU, Prof. Ulrich Martin and Prof. Marina Pochkhua, director of CMDB, presented the new center and the new Student Training Course “Molecular Methods in Biomedical Sciences” to students, SSU faculty members and invited guests, including Mr. Gia Gvazava, Head of the Supreme Council of the A/R of Abkhazia, Mr. Baadur Mosidze, Medical Director of the Ingorokva Clinic, Mrs. Irina Kvachadze and Mr. Ramaz Chikhladze, Professors from Tbilisi State Medical University, and Dr. Merab Chikobava. 

CMDB was established in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Martin, Hannover Medical School, Germany, and large parts of the equipment has been funded by the German Volkswagen Foundation.
The aim of CMDB and the Training Course “Molecular Methods in Biomedical Sciences” is to provide state-of-the-art theoretical education and practical training in Molecular Medical Diagnostics & Biotechnology for selected top-class students of SSU, Tbilisi State Medical University and other collaborating universities in Georgia. For the 1st year, already 10 students were chosen for the program. 


The German Volkswagen Foundation granted our project "Practical Training in the Life Sciences at Sokhumi State University in Tbilisi". Volkswagen Foundation will provide 141.000 € for equipment and consumables to run a modern student laboratory at CMDB and to establish a training course  "Molecular Methods in Biomedical Sciences" for selected students.


State-of-the-art molecular diagnostics and biotechnology are crucial not only in modern medicine but also in veterinary medicine, food production or agriculture. In Georgia, there is clearly a lack of state-of-the-art laboratories and well educated experts, especially in the academic sector.

The Center for Molecular Diagnostics & Biotechnology (CMDB) was founded by Sokhumi State University in order to address this lack through providing expert knowledge and well-equipped laboratories for development of application-oriented academic biomedical research projects and education in life sciences especially on the undergraduate and graduate student level.