Despite reasonable theoretical teaching, academic education in biomedical sciences is, similar to other countries of
the former Soviet Union, barely developed in Georgia. In particular, practical training of analytical skills and autonomous research activities of young researchers in life science is of utmost
importance, but state-of-the-art laboratories are not available yet in Georgia for student education in life sciences and biotechnology.
Our training modules comprise theoretical and practical education through SSU and TMSU faculty
as well as site visits of international experts in molecular / cell biology. The final aim is to raise the level of scientific education in life sciences to international standards, to provide
students with a theoretical and practical education in molecular diagnostics and biotechnology and to enable successful application of graduate students at renowned international PhD
On the long term, our project will significantly contribute to improvement of education of
Georgian students in biosciences and medicine, to nationwide improvement of molecular diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities, and finally to improved quality of life and advances in Georgian
Center for Molecular Diagnostics & Biotechnology, Sokhumi State University, Tbilisi
Director: Prof. Dr. Marina Pochkhua
Georgia, Tbilisi, 0186. A. Politkovskaia Str. № 9
fon: +995 599900444
email: Marina Pochkhua <>
მოლეკულური დიაგნოსტიკისა და ბიოტექნოლოგიის ცენტრი,სოხუმის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, თბილისი.
ხელმძღვანელი: აკადემიური დოქტორი მარინა ფოჩხუა
ტელეფონი: +995 599900444
ელ.ფოსტა: Marina Pochkhua <>